For bus route information contact [email protected] or 360-426-3182 or follow us on Facebook! Our phone lines are very busy at this time, so if you are sent to voicemail, please leave your name and number and we will call you back as soon as possible. We are doing our best to return calls and emails as fast as possible and appreciate your patience.
The Mason County Transportation Cooperative Facebook page offers information about buses and routes. The Transportation Coop works with a few districts so pay note to the school in the message.
Mason County Transportation Cooperative supplies the Shelton School District and other surrounding districts with transportation services.
On this website is the most common information that people are looking for regarding the transportation cooperative. If you cannot find what you need please give us a call at 360 426-3182.
Emergency Bus Routes
We are prepared to run on emergency bus routes if necessary. The emergency bus routes can be found using the link on the left.
There are several reasons, usually weather related, that we may need to make a call of "emergency routes" for school buses.
We will use these emergency routes when we feel it is safer or necessary to limit our bus routes to a few stops rather than do the entire route. As our partner in safety, we ask that you help us out and transport your children to the designated area at your own discretion.
If you do not see your child's bus stop on the list, your bus stop we will be at the normal location. There may be times that we do not call emergency routes for all buses, therefore it is important to know your children's bus number so when we notify media for announcements you will be correctly informed.
Our Mission:
The safe transportation of every student within the Pioneer, Shelton, and Southside School Districts.
Bus Drivers Needed
We are in need of bus drivers. We are interested in people with a Class B CDL. For additional information please contact the Human Resources department at 360-426-2982.
*Please note that MCTC transports only grades 9-12 for Hood Canal students. If you have questions please contact them directly at 360-427-0363.