Shelton's Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Career & Technical Education (CTE)

>>> CTE Experiences Toolkit <<<

>>> Kit de Experiencias CTE <<< 

Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs in Washington are aligned with rigorous industry and academic standards. CTE offers students an opportunity to graduate from high school with career goals, job skills, and leadership skills knowing where to go next to further their career or academic goals. Teachers participate in meaningful professional development on curricula and instruction, standards and assessment, and academic integration.

21st Century Skills
All CTE programs teach the 21st Century Skills:

  • LEARNING AND INNOVATION Learning and innovation skills increasingly are being recognized as those that separate students who are prepared for a more and more complex life and work environments in the 21st century, and those who are not. A focus on creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration is essential to prepare students for the future.

  •  INFORMATION, MEDIA, AND TECHNOLOGY SKILLS People in the 21st century live in a technology and media-suffused environment, marked by various characteristics, including: 1) access to an abundance of information, 2) rapid changes in technology tools, and 3) the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. To be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills related to information, media, and technology. 4. Information Literacy.

  • LIFE AND CAREER SKILLS Today’s life and work environments require far more than thinking skills and content knowledge. The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in the globally competitive information age requires students to pay rigorous attention to developing adequate life and career skills.  

CTE Student Organizations (CTSO)

Washington State has eight recognized CTSOs that have a definite impact on student’s overall college and career readiness. CTSOs provide relevant, engaging programs that improve student achievement, reduce dropout rates and help students discover the wide range of career options available. CTSOs engage the community and local businesses to help students understand global competition, develop 21st century skills focused on creativity, problem solving, teamwork, goal setting, and chart effective and efficient pathways through high school and postsecondary education for their personal success. Students who participate in CTSOs demonstrate higher levels of academic engagement and motivation, civic engagement, career self-efficacy and employability skills than other students. 

SSD offers the following CTSOs: 

DECA, a club for Marketing students was founded in 1943 and prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. Washington DECA is the fifth largest DECA association in the world, with over 12,000 members in 164 high schools and skill centers. DECA provides experiential, career connected learning opportunities. By creating partnerships between business and education, Washington DECA maximizes real-world experiences to develop students into leaders and entrepreneurs. 

Future Farmers of America (FFA), a club for students rooted in agricultural education classrooms. Students apply what they learn in the classroom in a work or research-based Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE). As they progress, they have opportunities to test their skills and knowledge against other members locally, at the state level and at the National FFA Convention & Expo. Their vision is to Grow the next generation of leaders who will change the world. And FFA realizes that vision by executing on our mission to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.

Washington State Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) was founded in 1945 and involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life. FCCLA students can attend conferences and participate in competitive events at the state and national level. FCCLA students’ career interests are in education, food, hospitality, interior decorating, and textiles (sewing, fashion). FCCLA members focus on the roles of family member, wage earner and community leader. Members develop skills for life including character development, creative and critical thinking, and interpersonal communication. 

Washington HOSA Future Health Professionals was founded in 1976, is a national organization for students exploring health care careers. Students gain leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program. Students attend conferences and participate in competitive events and network with peers and health care industry partners. 

SkillsUSA was founded in 1965, is a national organization for students exploring trade, industrial, technical health and service-related careers. Areas of competition include architectural drafting, construction, carpentry, computer programming, web design and nurse assisting. This organization promotes superior work skills, life-long education, leadership, teamwork, citizenship and community service among its student members. It also strives to build and reinforce self- confidence, work ethic and communication skills. 

Advisory Committees

CTE is an organized system of programs grades 7-12 which are directly related to careers and prepares students for further education or the ability to step directly into the workforce. Bringing Industry Partners and educators together on Advisory Committees provides a format for sharing information and ideas. The guidance and advice of local advisory committee members can help ensure students are learning the most current skills needed in the workplace. CTE Advisory Committee volunteers help plan the training for our future workforce.

  • 700 S. First St., Shelton, WA 98584
  • p: 360-426-1687
  • f: 360-427-8610

NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT: Shelton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:

Title IX Coordinator: Tabitha Whiting, Executive Dir. of Human Resources; 700 S. First Street; Shelton, WA 98584; 360-426-1687; Email: [email protected]

Section 504/ADA Coordinator: Ivy Kardes, Director of Special Services; 700 S. First Street; Shelton, WA 98584; 360-426-2151; Email: [email protected]

Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator: Tabitha Whiting, Executive Dir. of Human Resources; 700 S. First Street; Shelton, WA 98584; 360-426-1687; Email: [email protected]

Gender Inclusive School Coordinator: Rich Squire, Safety and Security Manager; 700 S. 1st Street; Shelton, WA 98584; 360-426-6322; Email: [email protected]

You can report discrimination and discriminatory harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Civil Rights Coordinator, listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint.

For a copy of your district’s nondiscrimination policy and procedure, contact your school or district office or view Policy and Procedure 3210 online here: Policy & Procedure - Shelton School District

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